Have you ever met someone who whines about everything? She never accepts responsibility for her actions; it’s always the fault of someone else. It’s fair to say that this perpetual attitude is precisely why she is living a life of despair and frustration. She has never realized that it’s her Journey to own and treasure. After all, isn’t it much more fun to pass the proverbial buck on to Aunt Millie or anyone who willingly enables us to do so? For a while, perhaps, then it gets old…excruciatingly old.
Read More »What’s In Your Wake?
Well, ladies, I've been loving my new apartment with a lake view. It has given me some true relaxing time staring out at the reflection that somehow always looks more interesting than the real thing. One thing I've been paying attention to is a group of ducks that lives by the lake. They are out swimming, flying, and playing every day. I'm thankful for the fact that I get on-the-spot epiphanies from nature's performance quite often. This week was no exception.
Read More »Resisting Accountability
I had a strong thought today about the topic of accountability and how important it is. When we can share our goals (even the ones in our weak areas) with another, the chances of accomplishing them are so much greater.
Read More »Why Am I Always Angry?: Part 2
I promised you a part 2, so here it is. I left you with some questions to answer about various things that might have to do with chronic anger. How did you do with that? If you have no idea what I'm talking about, go here and read part 1 first.
Read More »Why Am I Always Angry?
The thing you need to know about chronic anger is that it's root cause lies in a completely different emotion altogether. In fact, it's safe to say that frustration and unfulfilled expections are more accurately to blame than an out-of-control aggressive personality.
Read More »Managing Your Best Asset…Time
Do you constantly ask "where did the day go?" or "why does it seem like I didn't accomplish anything?" If so, maybe it's time to look at your methodology.
Read More »Endless Possibilities
Yes, the world needs you to start oozing....anytime now. Go ahead, make a big mess! Let it all hang out of your pretty little world.
Read More »Professionalism: A Little Advice
I was thinking the other day about what it's like to have a wonderful experience in a store or restaurant as opposed to a not-so-good one. You know them both well, I'm sure.
Read More »Making Life’s Decisions
Happiness, Love, Financial Abundance, Health - all things that most women want in their lives, but what about the details? How do you know what job or mate is best for you? How do you know when it's time to do something different?
Read More »What Is Confidence, Really?
Someone anonymously once said, "Confidence is the feeling we have before knowing all the facts.” This quote speaks a profound truth to me: You don't have to be perfect and completely prepared before moving into something new.
Read More »Indentifying Stressors
What is stressful to me may not be to you and visa-versa. That is why you always think Aunt Mary is overreacting when the family arrives at her home late for dinner.
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