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Tag Archives: counseling

4 Ways To Get Through Relationship Challenges

Relationships require hard work and commitment to be sustained for the long-term. Know that, no matter how solid your relationship is, there will be times …

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5 Ways To Take Care Of Yourself During Times Of Stress

Whenever we have periods of stress, worry or sadness, it can be difficult to take proper care of ourselves. If it goes on for a …

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3 Ways To Reengage With Your Partner When You’re Struggling

Sometimes, even the most loving couples go through times of trouble in their relationship. It’s a part of the landscape of any marriage or coupling. …

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5 Mental-Health Essentials For Women

Sustaining good mental health for women is somewhat different than it is for men. Not only are our bodies and hormone systems different, but our …

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3 Important Marriage Assessment Questions

Regardless of how long you have been married, it’s always valuable and helpful to assess how things are going. Achieving (and keeping) a healthful marriage …

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3 Major Things To Consider When Getting Advice

I've never met a woman who didn't need help from other people from time to time. That help often comes in the form of advice from the bestie or mom. The problem with taking advice all the time is that your best interest might not be winning out in the end. Opinions can be tainted with the personality and desires of the people giving them. It's important to make sure that you serve your needs and create happiness with the decisions you make. Here are 3 major things to consider when getting advice.

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4 Healthy Resolution Tactics For Relationship Issues

Even the happiest of marriages and relationships can have occasional issues. Few people abstain from lovers quarrels, and those who do may be bottling up their feelings instead. Even if you always make up after you argue, some things you fight about can still go unresolved. This leads to resentment and growing problems. Arguing too much without getting anywhere or pretending all is well does not serve anyone. Here are my top 4 healthy resolution tactics for relationship issues.

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3 Ways To Stay Emotionally Healthy Before And During A Divorce

You've lived through the warning signs that your marriage is in trouble. You're done snapping at each other and being miserable. It's time to make a new plan. But, you ask yourself, "Where did things go wrong" in an attempt to understand. The thing is, marriages and long-term relationships tend to go downhill over the course of time, so it can be difficult to pinpoint exactly when the decline started. However, when you do acknowledge that things are just not working well, and you've done all that you can, it's time to consider ended things. Here are 3 things you can do to stay emotionally healthy before and during a divorce.

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Are You Drinking Too Much?

Many of us enjoy drinking now and then, but what happens when drinking becomes excessive or even an addiction? Addictions are characterized by a compulsion to do something, even when you know it’s not good for you. Has that social drink on a Friday evening become a daily event? Do you find that you turn to alcohol if you’ve had a bad day or you’re feeling down? Do you crave alcohol or feel like you need it? Are you desperate to drink even when you feel hungover, tired or run down?

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How To Know Whether You Should Fight For Your Relationship

While some relationships grow and prosper over time, others just aren’t meant to last. If your relationship has been on the rocks for a while, …

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