4 Career Options For The Money-Savvy Woman

Looking for a new career and you have mad money management skills? The great news is just about every business utilizes money management to keep things running smoothly. This fact keeps things open for you. However, if you really want to delve deeply into the financial industry, below are four career options for the money-savvy woman.

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4 Ways To Get Back Up After Adversity Knocks You Down

Life is never simply a walk in the park. Obstacles and challenges make us duck, dodge, and dance our way through. And, sometimes, despite our effort to avoid adversity, disaster strikes. When it happens, it can create a lack of self-confidence, among other personal problems. Trust me, I understand getting kicked in the teeth and thrown to the ground of life. At times, the only thing you have to hold onto is a thin thread. That said, even a small connection to life and your inner strength can get you through. Remember, being down is never the end as long as you get back up after adversity strikes.

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5 Easy Ways To Meet New People

If you've wanted to form some new friendships or even fall in love, you must first meet some new people. I know this may seem like a daunting thing to do, especially in the scary world we live in. However, approached with a plan, this fundamental activity of being social can be fun and safe. Here are my top 5 ways to meet new people.

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Shake Up Your Career With These 4 Actions

A recent Gallup poll found that only 30 percent of people felt “engaged” by the work that they did, providing an indication that there is an epidemic of apathy at work. In other words, 70 percent of people believed that work wasn’t allowing them to reach their full potential - a sober number indeed. If you are in the majority, it may be time to shake up your career.

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5 Jobs That Bring Meaning To Life

Although you should never solely rely on your career to bring meaning to your life, having a fulfilling position can be key to having a happy, well-balanced life. After all, many of us spend the majority of our time at work. If you’re considering a change, here are 5 jobs that bring meaning to life:

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3 Fulfilling Careers For The People-Focused Woman

Are you working in an unfulfilling job? Do you wish you could make money and also help people? Or are you just ready for a career change? Training for a career shift is becoming more and more common, as women want to fulfill deeper life dreams and goals. Here are some of the most popular choices for careers that focus on helping others.

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4 Things That Can Kill Business Productivity

You don't have to look long and hard to find new technology meant to increase connectivity and create an easier and more efficient way to do business. That said, it can also be a distraction. Consider these 4 things that can kill business productivity.

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Start Building A Career You Love Today

While building a career, it's a given that you have a job in your desired field. This job is usually one that uses your skills, experience, and has fulfilling aspects that keep you moving upward. However, having just any old job is not necessarily building a career you will love for the long haul. Let's take a look at the differences and how you might start building a career you love today!

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4 Ways To Make Your Customers And Clients Feel Valued

Without customers and clients, business would not exist, and, it certainly would not be successful. It pains me to see companies biting the hands that feed them. The days of overlooking and minimizing the importance of customer loyalty are over. To keep up with a competitive market and advancements in modern service, you must learn how to make your customers and clients feel valued. That is if you want them to stick around. Here are a few of my top tips for winning over your customers and clients!

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Safe And Satisfying Sex For The Modern Woman

Despite the fact that most of the adults in this world have regular sex, it’s a topic that many don’t talk about nearly enough. That is unless it’s over cocktails with our absolute best friends. So, what do you say...shall we talk about sex? Here are 5 tips for safe and satisfying sex for the modern woman.

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3 Areas Of Your Business You Should Never Merge With Your Personal Life

As a business owner, it can sometimes be quite difficult to keep your personal life and business separated. This can be especially true if you run a tight-knit business from home, rather than from an office. The water can get muddy if you don't pay attention. Here are 3 areas of your business you should never merge with your personal life.

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Relationship Fulfillment At Every Stage

When it comes to love relationships, change can be terrifying. How do you know you are making the right choices with the right person? What if things don't work out? Unfortunately, you can't ever 100% know the answers until you take the step you are contemplating. That said, there are some things you can do to create relationship fulfillment at every stage.

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4 Strategies To Help You Get Hired Sooner

Searching for a new job is hard work. So much so, that even getting an interview can seem like a full-time job in itself. And, usually, the higher the position and pay, the longer it takes to secure the right one. Even though you consistently send out resumes, it doesn't mean that you will land your dream job in a timely manner. I happen to believe there are some key things you must do if you want to get what you want. Here are my top 4 strategies to help you get hired sooner.

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How To Effectively Deal With Difficult Clients

In most cases, difficult clients do not show their true colors up front, leaving you unaware of the issues you are about to endure. I'm talking about the situations that leave you wishing you never entered into a business agreement with this person. Just because you know it's business and not personal doesn't always make it any easier to sort out effectively. I've been in these situations and I've coached others about them. Here are some steps you can take to effectively deal with difficult clients.

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4 Major Women’s Health Concerns You Need To Know About

I'd say that most women agree that it pays to look after your health regularly. Any extra time between health screenings and check-ups can leave you open for major women's health concerns. For this reason, it's imperative for all women to get the recommended screenings and health work-ups for their particular age group. I've compiled a list of 4 things that can strike any woman at any time. Take a look and continue to research how you can better serve your health in the future.

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