Whether you have experienced an emergency, the loss of local utilities, or are simply aware that the climate isn’t exactly as stable as it once …
Read More »4 Simple Self-Care Practices To Energize Your Life
No matter what you do, how old you are, or what your health status is, it’s important to take care of yourself with consistency and …
Read More »4 Ways To Be Healthier While Working From Home
You would think that working from home would be the perfect opportunity to look after your body and get healthier. After all, there should be …
Read More »4 Things To Consider Before Purchasing Supplements
Nutritional supplements refer to any food-based product that is taken to support health and wellness. Though they can be helpful to promote greater health, it’s …
Read More »A Quick Guide To Manifestation And The Law Of Attraction
If you’ve read the best-selling book, The Secret, you probably know what I’m talking about when I say “manifestation” and the “Law of Attraction”. However, …
Read More »4 Tips To Keep Business Operational Costs Down
If there is one thing that a business owner must focus on as fully as possible, it’s the financial status of the company. That starts …
Read More »3 Important Facts About Focus And Concentration
Focus and concentration go hand in hand. The moment you lose focus, concentration goes out the window, too. It doesn’t matter what you are doing …
Read More »5 Boost Your Energy Tips For The New Year
Unless you have a diagnosis of a certain disease, it can be difficult to understand why you aren't feeling well and have no energy. Pay attention to your body, though, a lack of energy can be a sign of serious illness. Not to mention, it can put a challenging twist on even everyday tasks, like cleaning, meal prep, and playing with the kids. Hopefully, it's nothing, but see your doctor if you have concerns. In the meantime, there are some things you can do to feel better. If you want to improve your health and boost your energy levels, the following 5 tips will take you to the next level. There is nothing new here, it all just bears repeating!
Read More »Your Natural Balance, Your Perfect Balance!
Imagine you’re outside, by a beautiful lake, enjoying the perfection of your surroundings. You feel comfortable, relaxed, as if you are an important part of it all. You are so in tune that it is as if you can hear nature speaking to you.
Read More »Believing Is Seeing…
Today is the day that we need to look at our beliefs about what is possible in our own lives. If you truly want to be a different person next month, than you have to change your mind first. Do you believe you can change your life? I mean really believe? No matter where you are, you can improve on something in your life. However, before that happens, you must believe deeply that it will happen. Your mind is so powerful that it can and will moves mountains to see your dreams come to pass.
Read More »The Link Between Sex and Creativity
Recently, I moved. This move involved foreclosure on a home I loved and had lived in for the past 14 years. The loss of the house was part of the fall-out of my divorce. I saw it coming long ago, so it wasn’t a surprise. I had plenty of time to come to terms with the need to move away from rooms I had spent three years faux-finishing and the garden I had grown from barren clay soil. During the move, my sex drive diminished. I was exhausted, and when I sat down to write, I couldn't focus. For the first time in 5 years, I experienced writer's block.
Read More »Fierce And Feminine, Fighting For Future
Happy International Women's Day everyone! I hope this day finds you thankful for your unique feminine qualities and strength. I truly believe there is a fierce women's movement happening on the planet today. This forward motion is driven by women just like you and me who desire change and a safe, blissful future for ourselves, families, and generations to come. Though, I support the idea of one woman bringing change to the planet, I know how much more groups of women banding together, collaborating and fighting for truth, can multiply that change exponentially.
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