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Tag Archives: Fitness

3 Power Tips To Energize Your Workouts

Working out is an important part if the grand scheme of health and fitness. There are so many different things you can do to ensure you are keeping fit. Regardless of what type of exercise you choose, one of the smartest things you can do is make sure you are energized before each session. This will help make the most out of the time you have set aside for fitness. You will burn more calories and, ultimately, feel better during and after your workout. Do as much as you can to make sure your physical and mental energy is good before you exercise. Try these 3 powerful ways to help prepare you for even really tough workouts.

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Power Action To Get You Healthier In 2017

Being healthier is a priority for many people, especially when the New Year rolls around. However, doing so takes time, effort, and determination...not to mention, a solid plan. How about it? Are you ready to change your life for the better? No matter where you are in your present health, consider lifestyle changes by making New Year goals and seeing January as the ultimate fresh start. With that in mind, here are some power actions to get you healthier in 2017.

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Getting And Staying Fit On The Job

We all know that we should be doing what we can to stay fit and healthy. Unfortunately, just knowing it doesn't always get the job done. The problem is that most people are struggling with finding the time to be active, regardless of what their current fitness level is. With 40+ hour work weeks, kids, homes to clean, and other activities to engage in, we need some creative ideas for keeping our muscles toned and our hearts healthy. All of us, whether we are bosses, workers, or own our own businesses need to pay attention to the state of our health. And, if we can do that while we are working, think about how much better it is for our mental state, too.

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Take Care Of Your Body With These 4 Life-Changing Tips

Taking care of your body is one of the most important things you will ever do in this life. A lifestyle of health, that so many think is unattainable, isn't elusive and difficult at all...it just takes some determination. The determination to live longer, to enjoy life, to feel the life energy you were meant to have...every day of your life! We each have this opportunity to find this place that brings joy or we can let it slip away into an abyss of illness, pain, and despair. The contrast really can be that severe...I know because I've lived it. Here are some of my tips for finding and staying in that place of health and wellness.

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8 Life-Changing Reasons To Get Active Today

Movement is an important part of our overall health and wellness...even more than that, it's imperative to humanity itself! Our bodies are designed to get active and stay that way from birth to death for everything from survival to pleasure. It's when we stop being who we are as humans and become inactive that we interrupt the very essence of our physical existence. We've managed to turn something that should be considered as important as breathing into something that is despised and avoided by many. But, one thing that is true: you can always start today by moving more than you did yesterday. I've compiled 8 reasons to get active and stay active. I hope you find them motivating to at least give your body a chance to do and be what it is meant to.

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Want A Bikini Body? 4 Common Fitness Mistakes To Avoid

Summertime has arrived, at least in the Northern hemisphere! We are thinking about getting in shape so we can feel more confident in that bikini, bathing suit, or even just the less forgiving wardrobe of warmer weather. Unfortunately, a lot of women make some avoidable fitness mistakes while trying to look better for summer. Here are a few you can avoid next time you go for that toned up beach bod.

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Progress Not Perfection: 5 Gradual Ways To Improve Your Life And Health

Making an improvement to our health can be tough. We want instant results. But what if we saw change as a process rather than a single task to be completed? A small change in the right direction can motivate you to continue your progress, without battling with yourself. Try these small, gradual changes to improve your life and health.

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4 Easy Things To Focus On For Better Health

We all get stuck in a rut in our daily lives from time to time, that includes our state of health. What’s one more glass …

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5 things Women Think About More Than You Think

Women are complex characters... or are we, really? Regardless of the truth of this statement, we usually follow a couple simple things: We all want health and happiness. And, we want to feel secure and needed. Most of us, if not all of us, want to feel loved and valued. Not so complex, after all. If you are honest, you will admit that the 5 things I'm about to share with you have crossed your mind on more than one occasion. And, to peel away any mystery or self-proclaimed complexity, all of these things are really about health, happiness, security, and being needed. Tell me what you think...

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Things To Think About Before Starting A New Exercise Regime

If you are starting a new exercise regime, you might be tempted to jump straight in. But there are some things to consider first.

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6 Life-changing Tips For Maintaining Great General Health

The desire for health is the one dream that affects us all. Unfortunately, obtaining and keeping it seems out of reach or even impossible to many. It all starts with a good foundation of general health. There are some things that anyone can, and should, do to lasso that dream once and for all. These things do not have to be complicated or expensive. I always say, "Focus on what you can do and not what you can't." I live by this motto daily and remember that I don't have to be perfect to have good health, I just have to put energy there.

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10 Easy Steps To Losing Weight Without Lifting A Finger

Regular readers of my blog know that, when I put my head to something, I try as hard as I possibly can to execute. I have been doing it with my health for quite a while, and I am happy with the results I am getting. Still, there are times when I cannot get out of bed, let alone do a full workout. This is the life of someone carting around a stowaway like MS. Some days are like that, and they are the ones that affect your health and weight the most. So, I do something every day, even if it's just wall push-ups or marching in place. I've also discovered that there are some kick ass things you can do for your health and weight management that don't require a lot of physical effort. In fact, some days I don’t need to lift a finger!

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The Best Ways To Take Care Of Yourself As You Get Older

No one enjoys talking about aging - it is the proverbial elephant in the room for many of us. And, unfortunately, there is no magic pill or creme that will stop it. It is something we all have to go through, but we don't have to fall prey to negative thinking and an unhealthy lifestyle. There are so many ways to push away the ill-effects of aging, but you have to start as soon as possible. Though the choice to live a healthier life is a serving one at any age, I believe that the sooner you start these life-giving activities, the more benefit you will reap from them when you get to your golden years.

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My Guide To Getting The Most Out Of Your Workouts

How can I get the most out of my workouts? This is a question every fitness freak and most novices have asked themselves and typed into Google numerous times. But, really, how can we kick ass in our workouts... and do it without hurting ourselves? Well, I have put together a short guide that will help anyone safely get more out of their workouts.

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My 5 Rules For Getting Your Fitness Back On Track

If you follow my blog, you know that I don’t put up with any excuses! That’s right, there is no excuse for skipping out on your training sessions. There’s no excuse for unhealthy diets and not taking care of yourself. These things are so important, and I’m taking it upon myself to inspire and motivate you. Look, I know that it’s easy to fall off the ‘healthy’ bandwagon. Life gets in the way, and our schedules are hectic. But, what’s more important than your health and wellbeing? Nothing, that’s what! So, if you’ve recently fallen out of your exercise routines, no more judgements, and no more excuses. It’s time to get back into the routine, and stick to it. Here’s what we’re going to do.

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