There are so many ways to make a difference in the world that we can’t possibly list them all here. However, I’d like to share …
Read More »5 Ways Starting A Business Could Benefit Your Mental Health
Have you ever considered starting your own business? If so, you’re certainly not alone. The appeal to finally run the show as your own boss …
Read More »4 Ways To Align Your Career With Your Inner Self
If you’re not currently following a career path that reflects your true passions and purpose, ask yourself “why”. Yeah, I get it…sometimes, we have to …
Read More »3 Effective Ways To Be A Great Leader
It doesn’t matter what name you give it – the millennial bug, a modern awakening, or self-development- scores of women want more from life than …
Read More »4 Tips For Effectively Turning Your Passion Into A Career
So you want to take your passion to the next level? You are not alone. Millions of people dream of turning a hobby or life …
Read More »4 Ways To Have A Quality Relationship With Animals
Having a pet in your life is one of the most fulfilling and also challenging things you can do. They bring us so much love but can be a handful at times. It is because of this potential turbulence, you should consider pros and cons seriously before making any commitments. I believe that pets have a purpose in our lives, just as people do. This concept enables me to take the good with the bad and commit to long-term relationships with them. There are so many positive reasons to consider becoming a fur mommy. I understand that isn't always possible for everyone. Here are 4 ways to have a quality relationship with animals.
Read More »Some Things Change…Some Things Don’t
As I was looking through some old writing of mine, I came across a free-writing I did back in 1989 when I was age 24. I recognized immediately my deep thinking and constant analysis of life - Why? Where? How? When? In other words, I've always been a philosopher at heart - one who wants to know everything and how it all fits together. Interestingly, at this time in my life, I had little or no exposure to any religion or views on consciousness or enlightenment, yet, I showed signs of my soul understanding that we create our future and that I should not give up.
Read More »How To Know You’re On The Right Path
Ralph Waldo Emerson said, "Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail." This is not to say that following in the footsteps of others will not lead you to understand your true purpose and set you up for success there but to also consider choosing new and unexplored paths, to take risks and make mistakes. This process can be terrifying, though, as venturing out on your own into new things may cause anxiety and hesitation. You may even consider these feelings as signs that you aren't on the right path. I've experienced this fork in the road many times and assure you that it's not the end but only the beginning of something magical and fulfilling.
Read More »Am I Dreaming Big Enough?
One thing we can likely all relate to is that our beliefs about what is possible (our dreams) get stuck sometimes. What do they get stuck in or on? Well, my beliefs about myself and my potential have been, at times, stuck in the worst quicksand-ish, mucky mud, stench-filled mind traps you could ever imagine. These prison-like places have kept me from dreaming big at times. How about you? This place I've described, though only a fictional scene to paint a picture, can be just as dangerous to your future as if you were actually waist deep in a bog. Our minds have the capacity to make things real...all things, serving and non-serving. That said, Don't you think if you expanded your mind a little where your dreams are concerned, you just might see some amazing things happen for real? I challenge you. I challenge me.
Read More »Your Present Moment
The beginning of this year, for me, brought both a wedding anniversary and the unexpected death of one of my beloved cats, little True Heart. I share this because out of both comes a plan for the new year on so many levels. As I experienced the shock and grief, in a conversation with my angels and guides, I was shown that my options were to stay in the pain and allow it to wash over and through me. I could allow it to become a dominant force defining my 2014, or I could honor the loss and pain by choosing different thoughts and paths created by the loss.
Read More »Women’s Life Link’s Very Own Kellie R. Stone
I’ve said it before – I’ll say it again. This is one of the best ‘things’ about my hobby – meeting and interviewing all these absolutely amazing people around the world. Pictures of pure inspiration – women (and men) who seemingly have it all – but only through their own effort and determination – leaving their ‘comfort zones’ etc. And our own amazing founder and administrator, Kellie R. Stone, is one such lady. Dynamic – inspiration personified, down to earth and just a darned nice person.
Read More »Decorate Your Life
I thought about how our lives can get lackluster and boring if we don’t express our true selves. What if we could just “decorate” our lives like we do our homes for the holidays? I believe it’s possible. The key is discovering your unique style of self-expression.
Read More »The Beauty In One
I was given a rose a while back. I could not help but delight in the scent and the feel of silk as well as the deep color of the huge petals. There was such beauty in just that one rose, that I did not need a dozen. That one flower was created just for me for that moment. While others may have enjoyed its beauty before me and some will after, the fact is, in that moment, it was just for me. We are created to DO something... To touch someone...if only for just a moment.
Read More »Colliding Into Beauty
How many times have we not paid attention to the beauty right in front of us? We go searching for beauty in magazines and in nature and in our experiences...But what are the simply beautiful things that we should take notice of all around us?
Read More »Your Freedom From Ego And Fear…
I awakened the other morning and was confronted with an idea, a spark, a concept and really, an inner awakening. We, as humans, invest a large amount of time avoiding fear, requesting safety at every turn and ensuring we are stepping on sure footing. We make decisions not to go sky-diving or abseiling, horse-riding or snow-skiing because we have fears; fears of heights, fears of dark alleys, fears of creepy crawlies. My "awakening" came in the form of realizing that we sabotage ourselves every day, blindly allowing fear to invade and infiltrate our happiness and joy. You know why? Because we give permission for our ego to reign with the same fear we avoid in the physical world.
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