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Tag Archives: Purpose

The Most Significant Change You Will Ever Experience

I can't tell you how many times I've changed my hair color, clothing styles, favorite bands and authors, or wall colors in my house (the painter (hubby) sighs...). Realistically, I am a highly cultivated experiencer of new and creative things (self-proclaimed...and that's the point to this article). I've discovered that change should come after deciding a thing or idea no longer is a part of who you are today and not because someone else or societal trends say so. Truth changes us but only if it is OUR truth and we genuinely experience it to serve who we are or want to be. When honored as a part of your sacred path, defining YOUR truth is the most significant change you will ever experience!

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Celebrate Life!

There is so much to be grateful for. The sunrise, the sunset, the air we breathe, the freedoms and quality of life we have, the friends and family we are able to share time with, the fact that we have time to share...the list goes on and on. BUT there are days when nothing seems to go right. Days you are lucky if positive energy doesn't get zapped into the ground, leaving you a pile of negativity.

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As we attempt to raise our vibrational frequency, pursue our purpose, and live in Spirit, we so often come up against dualities. We are told to follow our path, release the negative and limiting aspects of our being, be in the space of those who are of equal or higher vibration. So what happens when we are faced with negativity, people not on purpose, conditions and situations that oppose the direction which we are pursuing?

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Staying Focused On Purpose

Have you ever been shopping for a specific item like a formal dress or pair of shoes? Well, sure you have. And, while on that shopping trip, did you tend to get really distracted by all the new seasonal fashions and trends. Suddenly, your purposeful trip to the mall gets derailed...at least for a few minutes while you rush to the dressing room to try on that cute top you just couldn't resist scooping up into your arms. After all, it's so much fun to indulge in things that don't have rhyme or reason, huh? And though I have my fair share of these carefree occasions, I want to use this scenario to explain how living your life like this regularly can literally derail your train to authentic purpose.

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For A Reason

It all started a couple weeks ago. I had a real conversation with someone who actually believes in the same things I do - someone who values old school beliefs and finds peace in his universe, as well as understands how we manifest our lives. The conversation flowed for almost 6 hours, and by the end, I felt immense joy. We shared so many thoughts. Those first couple days were truly amazing. There were no uncomfortable silences. The laughs flowed as easily as the feelings that carried them. He was so beautiful to me. However, after just a few days, reality forced its way in, and I realized this would not last forever.

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Cultivate Your Acre!

I am guilty of letting the weeds grow; tall stocky thistles, yellow dandelions, carpets of green clover abloom in white flowers, sneaky little bindii ready to pierce the soles of my bare, haven’t- been- out- of- shoes feet... just like those prickly issues I decided never to deal with. Right down the back, I haven’t done any pruning for ages; in fact, I cannot see the back fence line, a huge bougainvillea with nasty thorns has over taken the timber palings, but it does have those gorgeous magenta flowers.

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Where Do I Belong?

Leave it to me to load a question like that, as if it was a one pound baked potato with all the toppings you could possibly eat in one sitting. And, as stuffing yourself with a mammoth starch-riddled spud tends to make you feel like a gluttonous ogre, trying to answer this inquiry quickly and with clarity puts your mind into digestive overload. You wonder if your thoughts about yourself and your current status genuinely "belong" to a world that was meant for you or if you are simply avoiding it out of fear or confusion? Well, I say both.

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Top Five Picks for Whole and Happy Living

As I get older (and hopefully wiser) I have come to know how important it is to see and know ourselves as complex beings that require maintenance in all areas in order to thrive and be everything we're meant to be. Over a lifetime, I've learned keys to doing just that (not that I've mastered them all, but at least I try). I'd like to share some of those with you as we approach yet another year and opportunity to make life changes that serve us and our fellow mankind.

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What’s In Your Wake?

Well, ladies, I've been loving my new apartment with a lake view. It has given me some true relaxing time staring out at the reflection that somehow always looks more interesting than the real thing. One thing I've been paying attention to is a group of ducks that lives by the lake. They are out swimming, flying, and playing every day. I'm thankful for the fact that I get on-the-spot epiphanies from nature's performance quite often. This week was no exception.

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Don’t Stop Believing In Your Journey

OK, so I borrowed Journey's famous song title for this post, but please bear with me as I make a point that will change the way you see your life. Take a look at the refrain from the song that has now made a HUGE comeback thanks to that little TV show called GLEE.

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How Do I Refocus My Life?

Have you ever just been stuck on one question? Does it have the word "why" in it? We humans tend to want to know why everything happens, especially when things aren't good. Realizing that we may never know "why" is truly a revelation, a relieving one at that.

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What Motivates Me?

As I was "introspecting" myself, I really wanted to get in touch with what motivates me to keep going, to press through difficulties, to see the finish line...if there is one. The question is really an easy one for me to answer on some levels, but for the deeper issues, it's not quite as simple.

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Discovering Life Purpose In 60 Minutes or Less

As I stared at the red chicken scratch, I suddenly realized that our lives produce millions of thoughts, events, experiences, skills, and traumas that stay dormant in our minds or forgotten altogether.

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Am I All That…

IntrospectiveSunday Allow me to finish that question:  Am I all that I’m supposed to be?  Probably not…I don’t think any of us are. What we …

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What Is My Contribution?

What are you giving? How do you present YOU to the world? What gifts and talents are pouring out of you regularly? Do you spend too much time wishing that you could do something different only to miss living the life you have?

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