Each of our lives start as blank canvas. You get to add the colors with the strokes of your brush through your actions and attitudes toward the things you do, feel and accomplish. Here is the way I decide which colors are going on my canvas: Anything positive, like joy, love, mercy, grace, hope, giving, and helping others are my pastels and bright colors. Anger and bitterness, hate, selfishness, and deceit are the dark, foreboding colors that don't allow for a beautiful portrait.
Read More »Self Soothing For Life
I'ts normal to be sad and hurt at times. It's also very normal to get angry, however letting it consume you is not healthy. The hard part is knowing how much time to allow these emotions to have the stage. One thing I found that helps is a technique called Self-Soothing. You can find helpful resources here. SELF-SOOTHING is comforting, nurturing and being kind to yourself. One way to accomplish self-soothing is to comfort your five senses in the following ways:
Read More »Cultivate Your Acre!
I am guilty of letting the weeds grow; tall stocky thistles, yellow dandelions, carpets of green clover abloom in white flowers, sneaky little bindii ready to pierce the soles of my bare, haven’t- been- out- of- shoes feet... just like those prickly issues I decided never to deal with. Right down the back, I haven’t done any pruning for ages; in fact, I cannot see the back fence line, a huge bougainvillea with nasty thorns has over taken the timber palings, but it does have those gorgeous magenta flowers.
Read More »Seeing Yourself Through A Child’s Eyes
Just for a minute, try to imagine what it would be like to see yourself through the eyes of a child. Remember or not, we all did this at one time. After all, there is a little girl in there somewhere. She is your best friend, your confidant, your endless source of creative ideas. But first let's look at ourselves through the eyes of who we are now...a grown ups, maybe middle-aged women.
Read More »Confidence or Vanity?
Do people tell you all the time that you are confident? Does being the center of attention get you revved up for your day or week? And one last question: Do you know the difference between being confident in yourself and being vain? I'm not here to answer those questions; that you have to do all on your own. Sorry. What I am going to tell you is my perspective on the topic and how your understanding of yourself can catapult you to new heights in your life.
Read More »Why Am I Afraid of People?
I really enjoy writing these self-evaluating posts on Sunday; they are as useful for my own growth as I hope they are for yours. Today's topic is one that, yes, I have asked myself in the past...and do still occasionally. Fear can be paralyzing, especially if it doesn't make sense. Let me explain.
Read More »Professionalism: A Little Advice
I was thinking the other day about what it's like to have a wonderful experience in a store or restaurant as opposed to a not-so-good one. You know them both well, I'm sure.
Read More »Take a New Picture
If you want something different, do something different...anything. Color your hair; change your bedtime to an hour earlier; don't let that bully at work push you around anymore. Change takes action - not that same old action that you've been taking though.
Read More »Resolve to Change in 2010
I remember my mom dragging me into a building that might as well have been hell itself, as far as I was concerned. It was just pre-school, however. I screamed all the way to my seat
Read More »The Best Wellness Tip You’ll Ever Read: Part I
Well, today I want to look at one of the best wellness tips you are ever going to read on this site:
Read More »Fortunate Friday: Revelation
This week has been one of soul-searching and self-examination...no, not the breast kind. I've been seeking to understand myself in a greater way- the inside person who drives the bus, so to speak. It's not all glory and gum drops you see. It's been a tough journey of realizing that I have a ton of work to do.
Read More »Fortunate Friday: Direction
Have you ever been lost in a strange city or even in your own town? It happens; and when it does, it can be terrifying. You're lucky if someone nice is available to help you find your way. I remember being lost in a not-so-nice part of town years ago - before cell phones.
Read More »Are You Like Your Mother?
"Are you like your mother?"was bold and loud in my mind as I opened my eyes. For some of you that inquiry might provoke some angry feelings or at least a nonchalant eye roll. A few of you might be beaming with pride to know that, yes, you are just like your mother. But, for most, you are like me, knowing that you have carried on some of mom's negative traits as well as some good ones.
Read More »Finding Your Style (Inside and Out)
When it comes to showing the world who you are on the inside you may have no trouble. However, the outside dawning of a style that compliments what's going on in your mind and heart tends to plague even the most confident of women. Portraying a personality, whether it be fun-loving or somewhat demure, takes a little thought and planning.
Read More »What Is My Purpose?
Introspective Sunday: What Is My Purpose? Ooh...this is a loaded question and is likely one of the most important ones you can ever ask yourself. With various shoes to fill, women can become extremely busy meeting the needs of others; even though we willingly enter into many different ventures, tasks and jobs, are we truly fulfilling our life purposes within the mayhem?
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