Stop The Ride I Want Off! A Borderline Personality Disorder Story

I've ridden a roller-coaster my entire life, fitting in nowhere, not even in my own home. Of course, by chance when I did, I’d find some way to mess it up. This life never allowed me to like myself or believe I deserved others to like me either. I’d moved out on my own by 16 and was expelled from school just before graduation. My life displayed a pattern: abusive relationships, drug abuse, eating disorders, and other self-destructive tendencies that I never once thought of as problems. I really had no idea who I was. I simply lived my life the best way I knew how.

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Vision, Mentorship, And Teamwork

I've been thinking about how humbled I am by the fact that I am surrounded by such amazing women on the new author panel. These women have many other things they could do with their precious time but have chosen to give me and this magazine a slice of that time. It's an honor...really.

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Why Wait To Look Great?

Ladies, let’s talk about image. Yea, that’s right, the clothes you are wearing right this minute. Do they really speak to who you are? One of my favorite silly eCards read something like this... “Just curious... what part of that outfit made you look in the mirror and say, 'YES. This is how I choose to represent myself today.’?” I feel like saying this every time I walk into a mall. I don’t, of course, in fear of being beat over the head with a bedazzled fanny pack.

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Back To School In My Forties

I always felt like something was missing. Like I hadn’t achieved what I wanted to achieve and even perhaps that time had passed me by. A very good friend of mine convinced me otherwise. I am talking about a University degree. I finished high school, back in 1988, and commenced a Bachelor of Business majoring in Accounting. I spent the next 6 months of my life wondering what I was doing. I only chose Accounting because a friend of mine had, and I didn’t know what else to do. Suffice to say I quit not long after that and headed into the work force, which I totally enjoyed.

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Ribbon Wishes

I have this screen saver on my computer that displays various color ribbons flying about. The first time it appeared I was ecstatic! You see, for years I've visualized very similar colorful ribbons whenever I prayed, meditated, or visualized something I wanted to manifest into my life. The ribbons represent to me all of my emotions, compassion, healing, wishes, and dreams going out into the universe to gather and execute all that needs to happen to make my desires come to pass.

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Unveil Your Hidden Beauty

When we look into the eyes of another surely we are looking at the soul of the one standing directly in front of us – or are we? It is difficult for many to get past the physical to gaze any further. We have become a visual society, judging according to our cultural beliefs. We perceive the outside to be an extension of the inside, whether it is health or beauty.

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Is Chronic Migraine Curable? Part One: The Loudest Voice In My Head

You know that cliche that says you don't know what you have until it's gone? Well, recently I realized it applies to not only losing the good, serving things in your life but to the icky, shit hole ones too. I've been a chronic migraine and daily headache sufferer for over 13 years, and now...I'm not. What I'm about to share with you could change your life forever, so please read through this post. As to the cliche reference, well...allow me to explain:

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Snippet Resolutions For The New Year

I know. You were going to toss out the clutter to make space for new things. You were going to make a change by ditching the past to make room for a better future. And, you were going to challenge yourself to lose weight and walk an extra 15 minutes. You were going take up yoga, stop doing things that hinder your progress, but here we are in a brand new year and all of your broken promises sit behind yo

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Finding Unique Quality Gifts At Novica

Happy Holidays, everyone! I love the anticipation of making special family memories and sharing the beauty of the season. Though gift-giving isn't the purpose of any of the traditional holidays celebrated in December, it does seem to get plenty of attention. One of my favorite things to do is finding unique quality gifts for my family and friends. Though I've said this a couple years in a row, it's worth repeating again this year! is by far one of the best online sites to locate artisan crafted items for any gift-giving occasion.

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Are You Competing With Yourself?

The one key to making perfect self-evaluations is to do it based on looking at the whole person you see in the present mirror. This image is your present personal best. She is the person you can see, touch, hear, know in this present time. She is not the you of the past or the you of the future. She is YOU right now,

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How To Believe In Yourself Part 1: The 180

Someone Worth Believing In That's the real problem, isn't it? Not that we can't believe in ourselves, but that we don't think we are worth believing least part(s) of ourselves. But, Kellie, we are upstanding, productive women of the world, right? We couldn't possibly have that kind of self-esteem problem. Hummpfff...think again, ladies.

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Balancing The Migraine Teeter-Totter

As a long time migraine sufferer, I have experienced days that are fairly normal and those that would be crossed out from universal existence...given a choice. The constant motion of my life, the ups and downs remind me of being on a teeter-totter as a child. (I hated it then, too.)

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5 Life Shoulds And Should Nots For Women

Photo by Totya0225   Sometimes women get into the habit of allowing others (husband, partner, boyfriend, parents) to take care of important matters for them.  …

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3 Things That Can Ruin Your Life

As much as I really don't enjoy thinking about negative things, let alone writing about them, I realized how important this post could be for someone (or a few someones) out there. Hunkered down under my comforter at midnight, I began to ponder exactly what have been the top three hindrances to the success level I desire in any given area of my life. A little too heavy for pre-sleep, but the thoughts were pushing their way out and not taking NO for an answer.

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Stalkers…Where You Least Expect

There isn't much anyone can say to comfort someone who is being stalked. Terror and the fear of the unknown dominate the thoughts of a woman who knows someone is there watching, waiting, and looking for an opportune time to pounce. The only real relief comes when the perpetrator is stopped by the law or other means. I've said all this to paint a picture of a problem that I believe is just as serious and causes similar negative actions. I'm talking about being stalked by your own self-doubt, fear, and negative beliefs. Please hear me out...

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