There are a few easy things you can do yourself at home to help you stay healthier. They could not only save your life but with skyrocketing healthcare costs, these DIY health checks can save you a lot of money in the long run. Prevention is better than being surprised with a disease that could threaten your life and finances. I know women who wish they had done some simple at-home health checks.
Read More »Living With Borderline Personality Disorder
If you have been in any type of relationship with someone who suffers from BPD, you would tell me that it was hell and you were constantly walking on eggshells. The problem is, we BPDs are just as afraid of ourselves as you are of us. We do not like living with this person any more than you do. However, it is not our choice...not at first anyway. This is how we learned to deal with life, whether it is right or wrong. For me, everyone that I have ever loved has left me. No one wants to deal with the ‘crazy’ and honestly, most days I don’t want to either.
Read More »Weight Loss Supplement Dangers Exposed
While surfing my Dish network channels, I immediately paused on a station airing The Dr. Oz Show. He was talking about a frightening issue with some weight loss supplements. Though I don't personally take weight loss supplements, I suddenly thought of all the people who have, who are, and who are thinking about it. The shocking expose pushed me to write this post and spread the word about what is really found in those little diet pills.
Read More »Brain Fog Fixes
Do you ever wake up and simply cannot get your brain to operate with clarity? I do. There are many things that can cause this type of physical dysfunction, including, lack of sleep, poor diet, stress, toxins (alcohol, medications, food additives, etc.), allergies, internal conflict, and the list goes on. And, depending on the severity of the condition, it could hinder creativity, work, home life, relationships, and even other body functions.
Read More »Diehard Creativity: What Does It Take?
In my own pursuit of creative goals, I've realized (sometimes the hard way) that things don't always go the way you hope them to. However, it isn't necessary to understand the "whys" and "hows" of every vision or effort before stepping into a process of getting them done. I do believe that focus and determination rule in the creative arena, though. You have to keep going toward your matter what gets in your way. This week I'm being greatly challenged in my physical body to even get anything typed out or on paper. But, you know what? I'm doing it anyway. Because I love what I do and I can't hold in my thoughts because my body doesn't want to cooperate.
Read More »Second Brain Theory About Depression
Brain disorders can take many forms, one of which is autism. In this particular area you can again find compelling evidence of the link between brain and gut health. For example, gluten intolerance is frequently a feature of autism, and many autistic children will improve when following a strict gluten-free diet. Many autistic children also tend to improve when given probiotics, either in the form of fermented foods or probiotic supplements.
Read More »Lose Weight On Vacation
A weight loss holiday is quite simply a holiday where relaxation is combined with weight loss and fitness goals. Generally they are less structured and extreme than fitness boot camps, but with a little more guidance and assistance on tap than a traditional spa break, with all the facilities and knowledgeable, well-trained staff ready to help you achieve that first step in adopting a healthier lifestyle, or to help assess and fine-tune any regimen already in place.
Read More »Fibromyalgia Awareness: One Woman’s Story
A diagnosis of fibromyalgia carries a negative stigma in society because the symptoms are very vague and are not so clear-cut as other diseases/conditions. I have actually heard people say that there is no such thing as fibromyalgia, or that the symptoms are fake and they are all in the person's head. It is also widely believed that people who have fibromyalgia just want attention and/or medication.
Read More »How To Eliminate Anxiety
I've recently come across some information that some of you may find useful. The article said that instead of resisting the ominous feelings of panic and anxiety, that you should welcome them...even try to have them. When I first read it I thought it was weird, but when I really thought about it, it made a lot of sense. Read on for details...
Read More »Estrogen Exposure and Breast Cancer
There are a number of studies that have given us clues about the factors contributing to breast cancer. But one of the most significant factors is synthetic hormone replacement therapy (HRT). According to a study published online in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, breast cancer rates for women dropped in tandem with decreased use of HRT. In Canada, between 2002 and 2004, HRT use dropped by 7.8 percent. During that same time, breast cancer rates also fell by 9.6 percent.
Read More »I Am Always Sick, What Is Causing It?
My previous post, Why Am I Always Sick? 5 Culprits You Didn't Consider, has become the most visited article on Women's Life Link. So, I decided to do another one, revealing more elusive health zappers. Being sick, I mean really sick, is unfortunately the state that millions of people are in and, what's more, they are clueless as to what may be causing their problems.
Read More »Women’s Metabolism: You Can Increase It!
Hey, Ladies, I have really been trying to increase my metabolism lately with whatever little tricks I can. The forties have brought on some not-so-pleasant side effects for me...abdominal fat and difficulty losing it! Can you relate? If so, here are some tips I found on one of my personal favorite wellness sites, I'm already doing some of them but can certainly try harder. Let me know what you think.
Read More »How to Lose Weight with Kangen Water
Weight loss plans often include reducing calorie intake, implementing exercise programs and even taking supplements to spring board you to losing unwanted fat; however, there is another important facet to obtaining a healthy body weight.
Read More »Treating Candida Naturally
If taking antibiotics concerns you or medical costs are too high, you may want to think about treating your yeast infection naturally. Many essential oils and herbs effectively treat yeast infections. Not only do they treat the acute infection, but they help prevent future outbreaks.
Read More »Home Remedies: Be Prepared
Here at Women's Life Link we focus on being well, beautiful, and happy. Joining us today for Wellness Wednesday is our own Dr. Lamse. Read on for a few of her marvelous tips and remedies. I recommend that you save this post under favorites or just print it out for quick reference. Be well-be beautiful-be happy!
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