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Kellie R. Stone

"I make no excuses for my diverse roles as a Rock Your Feminine Type Coach™ and Branding Expert, best-selling author, and crime thriller novelist. Yes, I do still chuckle a bit at the irony. I kick ass as a women’s biz coach by day and kill off vulnerable fiction characters at night. What the hell, it makes for some interesting dreams. I believe that everyone should pursue their passions no matter how out there they seem to be. One of those pure heart-fluttering passions for me has always been writing. Since I did, indeed, chase my dream of being a writer, I've published two non-fiction books in the self-development genre, co-authored an international best seller, and now I'm finally pushing my much-too-old-to-be-in-the-nest novel out the door and into the world. My whole world is empowering and I adore showing others how to live life unfiltered, whether I do that through the written word or my coaching work. I love my job!" ~Kellie R. Stone

4 Steps To Make Health A Priority And Reach Your Goals

When it comes to your health, have you made it a priority or shoved it to the back burner like a boring pan of soup? …

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6 Strategies To Stay Emotionally Balanced During Chronic Illness

Unless you or someone you’re close to have dealt with chronic illness, you likely don’t have a clue how debilitating it can be. Unfortunately, I …

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4 Ways To Protect Your Home From Pet Damage

Owning pets can be one of the most satisfying things you can do. After all, they are entertaining, great companions, and can actually improve our …

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3 Ways Small Businesses Can Improve Productivity

No matter what size of business you run, the truth is that optimal productivity is the best foundation for success and profitability. Of course, how …

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6 Ways To Keep A Positive Mindset

Unfortunately, there are situations in life that overwhelm us and affect our mindset. Whether it’s a natural disaster, breakup, or loss of job, stress happens …

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3 Entrepreneurial Directions To Consider In The New Year

The end of the year is quickly approaching, and for many of us, that means reflecting on the last twelve months, the progress we’ve made, …

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3 Major Career Change Considerations For Any Age

Many women have greatly re-evaluated their career choices in light of the pandemic. Many have found that they want to give back in ways that …

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5 Strategies To Build Greater Self-Confidence

The road to building self-confidence does not offer a simple, straight trip. Instead, it is a winding lifelong path that brings us to experience many …

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5 Ways To Successfully Navigate Chronic Health Issues

Life can be tough enough without adding a chronic health condition to the mix. Trust me, I know how hard it is to wake up …

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5 Crucial Steps Before Opening A Coffee Shop

Opening your own coffee shop is an exciting and also challenging adventure that isn’t for everyone. The challenging part is even more true with the …

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5 Savvy-Saving Tips For Your Child’s Future

We all want to ensure our children are provided for, protected, and happy. Yes, it truly is easier said than done. Many families have experienced …

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5 Ways To Care For Yourself As We Transition From The Pandemic

With everything that the world has been through over the last year and a half, it’s a relief to again see some semblance of normal …

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5 Tips For Post-Workout Self-Care

Though you might spend time planning and executing an effective fitness routine, have you considered post-workout self-care? Because true health and fitness require times of …

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6 Considerations For Planning Your Parent’s Retirement

Planning your parent’s retirement can be a tricky task. There is a delicate balance between giving them enough freedom and the need to take care …

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4 Natural Inflammation Busters

If you’ve been feeling not quite yourself with stiffness, aches, pains, and even brain fog, there’s a good chance that inflammation is the culprit. Inflammation …

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