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Search Results for: entrepreneur

6 Crucial Things All Freelancers Need To Do

Though freelancing may not always provide the stability and steady income of a traditional job, it can be quite rewarding and profitable. That said, there …

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4 Effective Ways To Become A Quality Leader

There are more influential female leaders in the business world today than ever before. That is an excellent sign that equality is pushing its way …

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3 Exciting Ways To Fire Up A New Life Season

No matter what your age or life season, there may come a time when you feel a little stagnant. These times can be unpleasant and …

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Staying Relevant and Competent In An Ever-Changing Business World

With the ever expanding potential for knowledge acquisition and qualification, it can be hard to keep up with the demand of the modern world. Even …

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4 Leadership Strategies For Career Success

Good leadership skills go a long way in the advancement of your career. If your employer sees a savvy aptitude for team building and decision making, …

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8 Money Hacks For Your Business

Running a business isn’t cheap...period. That said, I happen to know there are some things you can do to cut costs and increase your bottom line. You do need to consider your company's competitive business landscape and what is most important to you. After all, you don't want to hack at your expenses to find that you've damaged the core of your biz ideals and functions. To give you an idea where to start, here are 10 money hacks for your business.

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4 Ways To Boost Business By Offering Payment Options

In business, if you are not offering your customers payment options, you could be losing sales. It's time to take an inventory of exactly how customers and clients benefit from doing business with you. What are you offering? How are they paying for your products and services? Are your payment options clear to potential buyers? Consider revising your business by expanding your payment and financing options. However, don't go too far outside of your lane, so customers and clients don't get confused about what you're doing. Here are 4 ways to boost business by offering payment options.

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5 Simple And Efficient Tips To Rock Your Biz Startup

The reality of starting a business is that you need to grow if you want to survive - and thrive. And, any startup involves some risk and much hard work. How you implement the beginning stages of your fledgling biz could make or break how it runs in the future. It’s vital to have everything in place and ready if you want to pull through this difficult period unscathed. Let’s take a closer look at some simple and efficient tips to rock your biz startup.

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4 Musts To Succeed As A Technopreneur

The rise of technology - especially the internet - has allowed more and more people to become entrepreneurs. This is quite simply a by-product of accessibility. And, the more online biz owners there are, the more need there is for people with savvy technical skills. Thousands have put themselves out there as the go-to companies for IT, security, repair, web development, design, and online marketing help. Unfortunately, many fail because they aren't prepared with basic business knowledge. So, before you jump in with both feet, be a smart business owner to succeed as a technopreneur. Here's a list of 4 musts to achieve the success you are after.

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4 Ways To Make Your Customers And Clients Feel Valued

Without customers and clients, business would not exist, and, it certainly would not be successful. It pains me to see companies biting the hands that feed them. The days of overlooking and minimizing the importance of customer loyalty are over. To keep up with a competitive market and advancements in modern service, you must learn how to make your customers and clients feel valued. That is if you want them to stick around. Here are a few of my top tips for winning over your customers and clients!

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4 Tips To Bust You Out Of A Career Rut

It’s pretty easy to figure out whether or not you’re in a career rut. A telltale sign is that queasy feeling you get on a Monday morning - the dread of having to go to a job you hate. You must deal with the same boring people, forcing yourself to go through the motions of your tedious day. And, though, I understand that you can't always just up and quit a job, there are some things that will bust you out of a career rut! Keep in mind, it's going to take some guts, energy, and consistency! Let's get you out of that rut!

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4 Effective Ways To Operate Your Business On A Tight Budget.

You have a fantastic idea, and it's begging to be turned into a successful business. Perhaps it's a blog or an online store that has you itching to become a business owner. Your daydream always ends with a nice pile of fast cash landing in the bank. Nice thought, but I encourage you to walk on the side of reason for just a bit. The reality is that seventy percent of new businesses fail in the first two years. Furthermore, even if they make it past the 2-year mark, only a small percentage ever see those dreamy piles of cash in the above photo.

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4 Ways To Bankroll Your Business Venture!

So you want to grow your business but are lacking the funds? I hear you. This is one of the most common challenges that new entrepreneurs have. In order to expand your business, you must secure funding and be creative with that money. I've started several businesses with virtually no money and completely understand the ultimate struggles that accompany such a path. So, let's explore some ideas to bankroll your business venture!

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6 Must Haves For The Aspiring Entreprenuer

Entrepreneurship can be one of the most exciting and rewarding career moves a woman can make. However, it can also be one of the most challenging things to pull off successfully. There are some savvy things you must get under your belt if you want to make a name for yourself in business. Having the right tools, resources, and contacts is a must.

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4 Fun Ways To Make Your Blog A Successful Business

Today, more and more bloggers are turning their passion for writing into profitable businesses. It's easier now than ever to start a blog and even create a stream of income while sharing your niche or passion. But it also means there are more blogs out there with which to compete. And, unfortunately, it's not as easy to rise to the top and get noticed, let alone, sell your goods. So, if you’re serious about making money, learn how to build a successful career around your blog.

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