Figuring out fashion for the “mature” years can be less like a graceful ballet and more like tripping over your cat in the middle of …
Read More »4 Ways To Rock Winter Accessories For Your Best Look
It’s that time of year again in the Northern hemisphere. The days are getting shorter and the nights longer and colder. You wish you could …
Read More »6 Tips For Looking Your Best At The Beach
Unfortunately, the beach is one of those few locations in the civilized world where people are expected to walk around wearing practically nothing and get …
Read More »Cracking the Body Enigma: The Ravishing Rectangle
Out of all the body types out there, the Ravishing Rectangle posed the biggest challenge for me as a Blogger... and not because it’s tough to define, but because you have so many choices! Ravishing Rectangles are seen all over the runways these days... their tall lean bodies make one of the best choices for showing off the latest fashions! Besides for just about every runway model out there, some other famous RRs include Cameron Diaz, Natalie Portman, Gwen Stefani, Hilary Duff, and Nicole Kidman. You see them on the red carpet in some of the most beautiful pieces, and they always look feminine. This is the biggest challenge for RRs... creating curves!
Read More »Fashionista Inspirations: Where Do I Look?
So, after reading my post last week.... maybe you think, “Yes. I need some help in this whole fashion image area. But where the heck do I start??” A lot of women I come across feel that way. They know their wardrobe needs some TLC, but short of stripping all the mannequins in the store.... many women don’t really know how to put together a “look”. But before you even step foot in a store and spend your hard-earned money, you need to have a plan. An idea. An inspiration!
Read More »Why Wait To Look Great?
Ladies, let’s talk about image. Yea, that’s right, the clothes you are wearing right this minute. Do they really speak to who you are? One of my favorite silly eCards read something like this... “Just curious... what part of that outfit made you look in the mirror and say, 'YES. This is how I choose to represent myself today.’?” I feel like saying this every time I walk into a mall. I don’t, of course, in fear of being beat over the head with a bedazzled fanny pack.
Read More »Bargains, Bartering, and Borrowing
Recently, I told you gals about my style changes that included a funky short, blonde hairdo and a return to my edgier side. I am finding that just the hair change alone is giving me a spark for life that I haven't felt for a long time. It's amazing to me how much different you can feel when you have the right appearance on the outside.
Read More »Finding Style Confidence
For some women (even me) changing their look can be a scary thing. We get comfortable with what we see in the mirror and assume that others feel the same way when they look at us. So, why should we change? For me it’s about being creative and allowing self-expression. Your reason may be something completely different.
Read More »My Article at A Mom In Red High Heels
Hey, Ladies, I wanted to let you know that I had the opportunity to write a guest post at A Mom In Red High Heels. It's a story that details my adventure in finding the perfect red shoes for the DC Hair Loungegrand opening party last weekend. Please visit her site and check it out. She is a mom and blogger whom I respect immensely.
Read More »Finding Your Style (Inside and Out)
When it comes to showing the world who you are on the inside you may have no trouble. However, the outside dawning of a style that compliments what's going on in your mind and heart tends to plague even the most confident of women. Portraying a personality, whether it be fun-loving or somewhat demure, takes a little thought and planning.
Read More »Healthy Fashion
Although the terms "health" and "fashion" may not be commonly used together right now, I believe we will soon see a deluge of "organic/healthy" clothing and accessories that takes us to a new era of living healthy and looking great while doing it. Since I'd like to see every woman consider the "Be Well-Be Beautiful" concept as a lifestyle, I thought we could take a look at some of the products that are currently offered in the market.
Read More »What Not to Wear When It’s Hot
The hot weather can be great for family outings and pool parties, but keep in mind that it can also require a different approach to dressing, beauty, and safety. The following tips will help you keep cool, healthy, and looking your best on days that rise above 80°.
Read More »Fashion Dos and Don’ts for Summer
1. Don't forget that fit is more important than style. If you wear something because it's your favorite color or it's trendy, just remember to choose pieces that flatter your body type and really fit you well.
Read More »Fashion Dos and Don’ts
1. Don't wear flip-flops or mules when it's raining; the flipping motion of the shoes will splatter the backs of your legs with water and whatever else in which you step. I never did this again after ruining a good pair of white pants. 2. Don't sweat the little out-of-place hairs. Today's natural-looking trends not only permit but even encourage styles that are not perfect. It's okay to be a little un-done.
Read More »Fashion Dos and Don’ts
1. Do own one timeless dress. 2. Don't think layering is just for winter; this fashion key is hip all year long. 3. Don't ever wear anything that could pass for country curtains or a bedspread. 4. Do find the impressive array of colorful, textured, and classy bags at Dillard's. Pictured at upper left, Antonio Melani "Louise" Shopper, $219.
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