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Tag Archives: Romantic Relationships

5 Ways To Avoid Relationship Con-Artists

With online dating exploding, the risk of getting into a dangerous situation is far higher than it ever has been in the past. We’re not …

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4 Ways To Get Through Relationship Challenges

Relationships require hard work and commitment to be sustained for the long-term. Know that, no matter how solid your relationship is, there will be times …

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3 Ways To Keep The Spice In Your Relationship As A Parent

When it comes to life as a parent, your romantic relationship can often take a hit. Your previous nights of privacy and passion become ones …

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3 Post-Breakup Mistakes You Don’t Want To Make

Romantic breakups can be among the most devastating things that can happen in our lives. After all, when you are suddenly divided from someone you …

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3 Ways To Rebuild Your Life After A Breakup

The end of a relationship can be one of the most challenging life events we can experience. This is especially true if you have been …

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6 Ways To Improve Your Confidence After A Breakup

Relationships are ever-changing and filled with many ups and downs. Sometimes, this means ending things is the best choice. Nevertheless, even if it’s for the …

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6 Warning Signs Of Disrespect In Your Relationship

Respect is such an important part of any relationship, but disrespect can often be present without regard. This happens when the person being disrespected is timid …

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Wanna Get Married In 2017? 4 Tips To Get Things Rolling

Are you always the bridesmaid and never the bride? Do you find yourself waiting, hoping and praying that your partner is going to ask that all-important question? Is it your turn? If you have answered yes to these questions then, perhaps, now is the time to take that next step with your partner and make 2017 the year you get married. But how do you go about doing that? Easy! I thought I would share with you some ideas on how you can take the next step in your relationship. I hope it inspires you to get things moving along.

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How Do You Know He’s Right For You?

Why is it that some relationships flow so naturally, and others are rocky right from the start? Sure, every relationship is going to have endeavors, but being with someone should not feel forced or like a job. The majority of the time the reasoning for these bumpy relationships is that they are simply with the wrong person. Some of you may believe there is one true love for everybody. So, how can you tell if the one you’re with is right for you? And is there really only one soul that’s right?

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How to Pump Up your Sensual Theme Hotel Experience

When staying in a theme hotel you might consider bringing outfits for playing out your favorite roles. In Le Cave (see my previous article) we could have worn skins, comic book outfits, pirate clothing, or even spelunker outfits. Let your imagination go and get the most out of your experience. Even body painting would work if you want a real raw experience. Just make sure to remove the mess in the shower before hitting the whirlpool.

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Communication Cartwheels: Learning The Acrobats Of Talking

[dropcap]I[/dropcap] met my husband through the online dating site Match.com. I don’t remember his profile or the emails before we met up for our first date (I must have liked something I read but can’t recall any of it). What I do remember was the long conversation we had over drinks and how we stayed at the restaurant until closing. Next, we went back to my house (I had a roommate and knew if things got weird I’d still be safe) and talked the night away until we both fell asleep on my couch. Without skipping a beat, we continued the date with breakfast and more great conversation over coffee.

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Fantasuite Theme Hotel Review (Caveman fantasy anyone?)

This is part 1 of an ongoing quest to bring you the sexiest places to play, with or without a partner. I'm rating for service, atmosphere, cleanliness, technology, and total spice factor. Under The Magnifying Glass: Fantasuite Hotel, Greenwood Indiana. A cave fantasy can take you from over the top gorgeous vampire gowns to primitive bits of torn leather. Whether you want to play vampiress or be thrown over a man's shoulder this will provide a romantic and sensually intense backdrop.

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Are You Unknowingly Bullying Others?

I have written five books on bullying in relationships in Danish before releasing “110 Ways to Detect a Bad Relationship – Before it’s too Late”. A man read my first book and wrote me that he was in shock. He had no idea how the way he had been treating/talking to his wife (who had killed herself years earlier) and various girlfriends might have affected them.

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Embody The Love…

Love is... Adulation, affection, devotion, emotion, infatuation, relish, worship… there are lots of words that are synonymous for love, but nothing can replace LOVE. It means so much, can be so much, and yet, it can be as simple as loving the colour orange. But what about embracing LOVE as a whole concept, about being LOVE? It’s about taking the energy of LOVE and emitting it throughout your day, sharing it, releasing it, circulating it and regenerating it. What does all that mean?

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Journey to Sexual Freedom

I don’t mind saying I have the best sex life ever. Probably better than anyone else’s. I know that sounds egotistical, but that is how content I am, with where I am, in that area in my life. I’ve achieved the pinnacle of success in that area of my life. But not before I swam through a lot of dry flavorless valleys. Actually I wasn’t swimming; I was pretending to doggy paddle and really drowning.

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