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Why Am I Always Sick? Five Culprits You Didn’t Consider

I've spent some days, weeks and even months lying in bed waiting to feel better from various ailments. So, I know what it's like to ask, why am I always sick? It sucks! What's more, not knowing why you are sick is even worse. Doctor after doctor offer no answers, and the quest is exhausting, to say the least. Because of several of these quests, I have learned a little about what can make a woman ill. Though the following information may not now- or ever- pertain to you, I recommend that you hear me out.

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Graston Technique: Soft Tissue Rescue

I was fortunate enough to experience this amazing treatment first hand through my chiripractor, Dr. Michael Tuckey. When he first recommended it for my daughter after a car accident, I was sceptical but open as she was in a lot of pain after being rear-ended by an overzealous teen driver. Her treament was extensive because of the amount of soft tissue damage; in the end she and I were pleasantly surprised by the results.

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More Instant Health Boosters

Achieving good health is not as easily accomplished as we all would want. Though making true lifestyle change is the way to go to ensure lasting results, I've put together another list of instant health boosters to get you moving in the right direction. These are things that you can do that don't require a lot of thought or energy to be effective. Please pass this article on to other women who need it....who are we kidding? Everyone needs health!

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Relationships: Giving and Receiving

We all want a relationship where we feel fully loved, deeply understood, and deeply valued, and where we walk the journey in complete harmony with another. Many times we are looking to the other person to provide us with what we want and need, when in truth, we simply mirror that in which we give. We often have the idea that when the perfect person comes around, we will begin to be on our best behavior, and that we will change when we meet him or her.

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Brain Health Evaluation

I recently did a post on memory loss and since decided to pursue ways to bring new health and life to my brain; it seems like a smart thing to do considering the alternative of chronic forgetfulness and even loss of brain cells. This trek that I'm on started with an evaluation of all the things that I did in my 20s and 30s when my mind seemed to be more like the proverbial steel trap than the bucket of mush it is now.

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Diet Stress or Stressful Diet?

Without question, our enjoyment - if not our whole world - as one would say, revolves around what we eat or our decision and anticipation of what we will eat. Yes, we all have been recipients of both the contentment and frustration our decisions have created. Truly, haven’t we all - at one time or another - considered refraining from Big Macs, pizza, french fries, pies, and desserts a stress in itself?

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Yo-Yo Dieting Not Harmful???

I was glancing through a prominent women's magazine this morning and had to laugh out loud. I've increasingly seen the "News Flash" or "Breaking News" articles that either say something's going to harm you (when it hasn't ever been a threat) or something's suddenly good for you (when in the past, it was a no-no). I'm confused!

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The Wounded Child Within

How many of us have gazed into the mirror only to see ourselves at an earlier age, an age in which circumstances have left us in a drama of life that we were forever trying to forget; one that we thought we had buried, and yet time has brought forth the resurfacing of misdirected and scattered emotions – often those that have wounded and left us in a state of despair? Why is it we would choose to carry the burden of unpleasant memories rather than allowing them to be released with love and forgiveness, or at least understanding?

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Elements of Relaxation

Water, Air, Fire, and Earth - everything we are, everything we touch, and everything we need is made up of at least one of these 4 elements. It's no wonder that we feel safe, warm, and relaxed while in their presence.

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Tea: A Healthy Indulgence

Do you find yourself needing an afternoon pick-me-up most days? Do you avoid coffee because the caffeine would keep you awake at night, or say no to soda because you’re trying to cut back? How about brewing a cup of tea?

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Memory Loss: Is It Normal?

Setting aside the wrinkles, the drooping boobs, and the inability to see anything closer to my face than two feet, the worst thing about aging is the sudden short term memory lapses that seem to come at the most inopportune times (ie. missplacing your keys when you're already late; your phone number has vacated your brain when you have to leave a message on someone's voicemail; your child's name escapes you).

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Ballet for Fitness

A dancer’s body is strong, toned, and ready to take on any challenge. While you may not be a candidate for the New York City Ballet, you can still reap the benefits of tackling the awesome discipline of ballet.

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Heart Attacks and Women

Did you know that heart disease is the number one cause of death for women? On the bright side, it's also one of the most preventable. As women it is our responsibility to understand exactly how we can avoid serious heart problems as well as what to do in the event of a heart attack.

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Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Health and Beauty Benefits

With about a thousand different views (or more) on the way in which the six types of fats (good or bad) affect our bodies, most women don't truly understand how to balance their diets. Though it is important to know what each of the fats do and where they come from, I am going to focus primarily on Essential Fatty Acids for this post.

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Healthy Fashion

Although the terms "health" and "fashion" may not be commonly used together right now, I believe we will soon see a deluge of "organic/healthy" clothing and accessories that takes us to a new era of living healthy and looking great while doing it. Since I'd like to see every woman consider the "Be Well-Be Beautiful" concept as a lifestyle, I thought we could take a look at some of the products that are currently offered in the market.

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